We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them

- Albert Einstein

Selma’s work is grounded in cutting-edge research around the intersection of post-traumatic growth, mindfulness, action, and social- and global justice. Her work provides the tools to guide individuals and collectives through an ever-complex life.

Book her for one of her key themes below, or reach out for specialized content.

Talks & Workshops

Mindfulness 2.0

Turning Crises Into Opportunities for Positive Change and Growth

The negative consequences of crises, severe challenges, and traumas have been studied for decades. However, a growing body of research has now found that 30-80% of survivors report growing from these experiences in a way that leaves them stronger, more resilient, and more aligned with authentic values, purpose, and meaning in life. This change can happen both in individuals, groups, and organizations.

I have focused my work on exploring how to turn crises and traumas into opportunities for positive change and growth instead of states of helplessness, hopelessness, despair, dissociation, and stagnation. Specifically how belonging, prosociality, and trauma-informed mindfulness can be promising supplementary interventions for such healing and growth.

Research has found that your mind wanders 47% of the time and that you are less happy when not present. To make matters worse 95% of the thoughts you are having today, are the same thoughts you had yesterday. In this workshop, I will teach you the strengths and weaknesses of your mind, and through specific practices, help cultivate greater well-being, clarity, creativity, productivity, and a (work)-life balance more aligned with your authentic values. Furthermore how our inner work cannot be separated from our actions in the world.

Speaking Events

Upcoming Events

35th Annual Boston International Trauma Conference: The Trauma Research Foundation, Boston, USA

Title: Loving-Awareness-In-Action: Artificial intelligence, technology, and ancestral embodiment practices towards healing intergenerational trauma

Date: May 1st - 4th, 2024


Selected Previous Events

Bang & Olufsen, Diversity & Equity Council Worldwide, Denmark

Title: Diversity and Inclusion at The Work Place: Neurodiversity

Date: April 2024

Inspiration & Knowledge Surrounding Work With Empathy, Mindfulness and Diversity at Schools, Conference, Danish Center for Mindfulness, Aarhus University, Denmark

Title: Trauma Healing & Post-Traumatic Growth in Adolescence

Date: February 7th, 2024


Compassion Revolution Conference, Melbourne, Australia

Title: Turning Crises Into Opportunities For Positive Change and Growth (Keynote)

Date: October 24th-25th, 2023


World Happiness Conference, Miami, US + online

Date: March 23rd, 2023


Wisdom 2.0, San Fransisco, CA

An 8-week course titled: “If Only For Today: Healing Ourselves, Creating Change & Repairing the World.” - Hosted and taught by Shelly Tygielski and Brenda Mitchell

I will be guest-speaking on my work on the intersection of post-traumatic growth and agency/ action.

Date: February 21st, 2023

Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY

Title: The Science of Interconnection, Healing through Practice, Community & Action

Date: October 9th-14th, 2022


Justin Michael William’s platform - ‘ The Kingdom’, online

Title: The Power of Post-Traumatic-Growth

I will present my work on PTG and be interviewed by Justin.

Date: June 26th, 2022


A five-weekend journey with Bayo Akomolafe; House of Beautiful Business

Title: The Unbusinesslike Nature of Business

Co-facilitator on Saturday’s Abayomi classes

Dates: March 18 — 20 | May 27 — 29 | July 22 — 24 | September 9 — 11 | October 7 — 9, 2022


PwC, Denmark

Title: Mindfulness at work: 2.0 - The Graduate Program

Workshop Facilitator, November 2021

The International Conference in Mindfulness: Diversity & Inclusion – leaving no one behind; Denmark

Title: Mindfulness & Compassion through an Inclusive & Intersectional lens of Gender

Workshop facilitator, July 7th, 2021

Wisdom 2.0 - The Next Chapter; San Fransisco

Title of workshop: Cultivating Transformative Change Through the Use of Technology

Co-Facilitator with Dr. Dan Siegel, Dr. Sará King, Jackie Ivy & Andrew Villamil, March 26th, 2021

PwC, Denmark

Title: Mindfulness at work: 2.0, A Four-session workshop series

Description: Facilitating a four-session workshop designed to enhance employees’ motivation, collaboration, and growth. The workshop is based on the newest science and is supported by specific mindfulness practices and tools that can be implemented into the organization.

Keynote Speaker & Workshop Facilitator, January - March 2021

New Roads School; Los Angeles

Theme: Post-Traumatic Growth - Turning Crisis Into Opportunities For Change and Growth

Workshop Facilitator, March 2021

Pivotal; Los Angeles

Title: Mindfulness and Compassion in the work-life

Keynote Speaker, December 2019

The Mindfulness Conference; Oslo

Title: “The Benefits and Effects of Implementing Mindfulness in the Work-life”

Speaker, June 2019

Interested in having me speak?